Barn owl faces a number of threats that have a strong impact on its population. These threats are evident not only in the Thessalian agricultural ecosystem but throughout Greece, and globally.

Below are the three most important: 

Secondary Poisoning

The common practice for rodent control in agricultural ecosystems mainly includes the application of toxic anticoagulants. It has been repeatedly reported that rodenticide applications in agricultural areas, often leads to secondary deaths of other higher raptors that feed on poisoned rodents. The Barn owl, as a species that feeds exclusively on small mammals, is the most threatened species whereas constant research worldwide brings to light Barn owl secondary poisoning cases.

   Suggested solution 
  • Install Barn owl nest boxes to reinforce natural predation and natural control of rodents with the help of the Barn owl, the ultimate “small mammal” raptor. Position the nest boxes either on buildings or on poles within the farm. Contact Civil Society Organization "TYTO" for guidance and cooperation.
  • Use snap traps or even new technology smart flip traps.
  • Apply rodenticides only as a last resort. If you apply those, use only approved formulations following a strict protocol. Apply only to the holes/subterranean entrances inside the plot and cover the hole with soil. Repeat for several days until the active galleries are reduced.


Collisions with cars on the road network 

In agricultural areas, the majority of road network is of poor quality. It consists of roads of smaller width and dirt roads that do not allow high speeds or heavy car loads. Despite these characteristics, collisions of Barn owl individuals with passing cars are a considerable threat. As it is a species that flies in low-height to capture its prey, and moves in the suburban landscape and the agricultural countryside, its population is under considerable pressure from road network, and collision deaths.

   Suggested solution 
  • Try to drive at low speed when in the agricultural road network, especially at night.
  • If you come across an injured Barn owl individual, contact "TYTO" or "ANIMA" for further instructions..
  • If you install your own nest box for a Barn owl, do not position in near a road.
Water tanks 

In agricultural areas, it is usual to store water in tanks. Unfortunately, quite often these water tanks bear no roof or lid becoming a death trap for many birds and especially for those who hunt in the agricultural landscape. In cases where a Barn owl individual falls into an open water tank it may not be able to come out again, and drown. Such traps have been recorded in various countries as a significant threat to birdlife. The Barn owl is specifically affected as significant losses are recorded. 

   Suggested solution 
  • Secure the water storage tanks on your farm with a canopy and a watertight lid.

Electrocution because of high voltage cables

Injuries and deaths due to electric shock are sometimes recorded as a result of colliding with high voltage power cables. This risk can be even greater for young inexperienced Barn owl individuals that move away from the nest in which they were born, in search of new territories without knowledge of the landscape in which they move and collide with high voltage cables.  

  Suggested solution 
  • Insulation or undergrounding of high voltage lines that cross the agricultural landscape.
  • Insulation of exposed points of high voltage cables located near the pylons that often become a stopping and perching point for many bird species.
  • Installation of plastic structures as optical repellents for species that can approach high voltage cables.

Loss of natural nesting sites

One of the most important threats for the Barn owl in the agricultural countryside of the 21st century, is the gradual loss and disappearance of natural breeding places. The Barn owl chooses to nest on roofs and ceilings of old buildings and structures, but over time, the phenomenon of falling ceilings, the collapse of entire abandoned old buildings (stone, brick, warehouses, etc.) is extensively recorded. In addition, many buildings are being renovated and no longer leave entry points for the Barn owl. This issue has been intensely recorded in Thessaly from 2000 until today. The reduction of nesting sites is a very important reason for the reduction of the population of Tyto in agricultural areas. The Civil Society Organization "TYTO" has conducted systematic recordings in 50 villages in Thessaly for 10 consecutive years. It was proved that 50% of the buildings that were traditional nesting sites for the Barn owl were destroyed.  

  Suggested solution

Installation of Barn owl nest boxes in the agricultural landscape.

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